Transglutaminase is an ANZFA approved product. It is (protein-glutamine amine glutamyltransferase) obtained by the controlled fermentation of Streptomyces mobaraensis that complies with FCC and FAO/WHO (JECFA) recommended specifications for food grade enzymes. The transglutaminase is characterised by its ability to bind proteins by cross-linking the glutamine amino acid with other amino acids (eg: lysine) on the protein surface. APPLICATIONS: Meat: Reformed whole muscle products Bacon wrapped meat medallions Poultry: Reformed poultry breast & thigh products Bacon wrapped poultry medallions Smallgoods: Reformed hams & other meat products, sausages Seafood: Reformed fish pieces, uniform scallop & shrimp portions Dairy: Improved texture with decreased syneresis in yoghurts Improved texture in fat reduced, frozen desserts PLease request a specification sheet from us.